Home Shades of design Multifaceted: when light meets the poetry of glass

Multifaceted: when light meets the poetry of glass

I n the panorama of designer lighting, Multiforme emerges as a unique reality, a place where creativity, technique and poetry come together to give life to extraordinary creations. Founded in 2009, the company based in Trebaseleghe, in the province of Padua, has been able to reinterpret the concept of a lamp created from glass.

A meeting of skills

The genesis of Multiforme is a meeting of distant worlds and converging passions.. On one hand, technical experience in structural engineering and design culture; on the other, the artistic sensibility coming from the world of antiques and craftsmanship.
This fusion of skills has given life to a unique approach , where the rationality of the project marries the creative freedom of glass art.

The art of shaping ideas

Multiforme doesn’t seek the iconic product, but explores multiple creative directions, without boundaries between classic and contemporary. The company transforms creative and unconventional ideas in reality, thanks to a synergic team of designers, technicians and craftsmen. 
What distinguishes Multiforme is its ability to transform bold ideas and innovative concepts into tangible products.  “The ambition is for everyone to make a difference,” explains the founder, highlighting how each member of the team contributes to the result with their own professionalism and expertise.

Flowers in Wonderland, poetry in light

Collaboration with external designers is another pillar of Multiforme’s philosophy. The company It acts as a bridge between the “beautiful minds” of design and the concrete realization of their visions.

Alessandra Baldereschi ‘s ” Flowers in Wonderland ” project is the perfect example.
collaboration has an almost magical genesis , which the founder enthusiastically recounts: “Some time ago, scrolling through her Instagram, I saw one of her lamps. I thought: what a shame we didn’t make it, it’s a beautiful idea!”. Fate would have it that sometime later, the designer contacted the company to develop that very project.

“Flowers in Wonderland” is much more than a simple lamp: it is a luminous flower inside a vase, a seemingly simple idea that contains a technical and creative challenge not challenge. The Multiforme team worked to transform the initial concept, made in borosilicate, into a technically advanced and aesthetically surprising product.
The real innovation lies in the modular system they developed. The elegant and functional base functional, it allows you to create multiple compositions, opening up the possibility of creating real “fields of light”.

At the same time, the challenge was to reinterpret the classic nature of the Murano chandelier flower: the result is floral shapes that seem to have come out of an illustration, with bright colors that contrast pleasantly with the minimalist elegance of the base.

Attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the product. The “macie” (colored glass chips) have been finely crushed to create a lively effect in the glass texture. The The contrast between the colorful exterior and the white interior creates a unique, almost ethereal lighting effect .

“Flowers in Wonderland” is not just a product, but the symbol of what Multiforme represents: a bridge between the imagination of designers and the concrete realization, a place where poetry takes shape through the culture of Making. As the founder says: “The aspiration is precisely to say: let’s bring out these beautiful things that exist, we put in our effort to realize them.

Ideas that illuminate the future

Looking to the future, Multiforme continues to explore new frontiers of design. The company is is increasingly establishing itself on the international market, particularly in the United States, where its innovative vision finds fertile ground.
a world where lighting is often reduced to mere functionality, Multiforme reminds us that light can and should be poetry, emotion, art. Each of their creations tells a story, invites contemplation, transforms spaces into experiences.
Multiforme has carved out a unique place for itself, demonstrating that with vision, courage and a pinch of magic, it is possible to reinvent even the most ancient arts.

Website: multiforme.eu


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