Home Transparent future rehub: innovation and sustainability for Murano glass

rehub: innovation and sustainability for Murano glass

rehub srl, a spin-off of the Iuav University of Venice, is a startup founded in 2022 based in
Murano that is revolutionizing the way of thinking about and managing glass waste. Led by Matteo Silverio, an architect with high-profile experiences in Italy and abroad, particularly at Carlo Ratti’s studio in Turin, rehub has developed an innovative process pending patent to revalue formally non-recyclable glass.
Having returned to Italy, Matteo chose to put his skills at the service of his adopted homeland, Murano, founding this reality that fuses tradition, craftsmanship, technology, and design, following the principles of the circular economy to contribute to a zero-waste society, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

The problem of non-recyclable Glass Waste

There are different types of glass, but only food and beverage containers have an efficient recycling chain. Everything else is not recycled and often ends up in landfills or undergoes downcycling. Every year, Murano glassworks produce about 1,000 tons of non-recyclable glass waste, a small figure compared to the 130 million tons of non-recyclable glass waste produced every year worldwide. To dispose of this waste, glassworks spend money on transportation, analysis, and disposal, only to spend again to purchase other raw materials, fueling a vicious cycle.

A revolutionary process: from waste glass to new resources

The beating heart of rehub is its innovative process of upcycling waste glass. After years of research and development, they have developed an original technique to transform non-recyclable glass into a paste that can be molded at room temperature, mixing it with natural binders. This paste can then be processed with the most common industrial processes such as lamination, molding, and injection; thanks to a proprietary extruder, rehub is also able to 3D print that paste.

The startup has established relationships for the collection of some types of waste from Murano furnaces to start the process. They give new value to glass waste, transforming it into a wide range of new products: jewelry, tableware, decorative objects, lighting solutions, decorations, tableware, furniture, tiles, and much more.

Sustainable, unique and durable products

The products obtained from rehub stand out for several characteristics. They are sustainable, because they give new life to non-recyclable waste, saving raw materials and CO2 emissions. The process allows for maximum customization, making each piece unique. Moreover, being glass, it is a material resistant to chemical and atmospheric agents and with good mechanical resistance.

New frontiers: from Fashion to Design

rehub is also exploring collaborations with fashion brands to give new life to their glass packaging waste. Jewelry and accessories made from recycled glass thus become symbols of a circular economy applied to the world of fashion as well.

But the potential of rehub’s process also extends to the world of furnishing and design. The startup is working to be able to create unique pieces of interior design in the future, exploiting the unique characteristics of regenerated glass.

Awards and recognitions

rehub’s innovativeness and commitment to sustainability have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. These include the Green&Blue award, given to the most innovative activity in the fight against climate change, the victory at the StarCup Veneto, coming first in the cleantech category, and reaching the final at the Premio Nazionale per l’Innovazione. rehub was also selected for the DesignXVenice acceleration path promoted by MIT in Boston, winning second place during the final.

With its visionary and pragmatic approach together, rehub is charting new paths for the future of Murano glass. A future where innovation, sustainability, and collaboration are the key words to enhance a centuries-old tradition, making it a protagonist of the challenges of the present.

Website: rehub.glass


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