Home Transparent future Componenti Donà: the Art of Murano Glass between uniqueness and sustainable ingenuity

Componenti Donà: the Art of Murano Glass between uniqueness and sustainable ingenuity

In the heart of Murano, Componenti Donà emerges as a brilliant example of innovation and sustainability in the world of artistic glass. Founded in 1936, the company has managed to reinvent itself over the years, transitioning from a supplier of components for major Murano brands to a creator of unique pieces that captivate the global market, particularly the American one.
Davide, a master glassmaker, and his brother inherited the company from their father Alberto, transforming it from a business focused on third-party production to an innovative and independent reality. This transition, which began in the 1990s, led the company to develop its own creative and commercial identity.

A unique approach to creation

What makes Componenti Donà unique in the Murano landscape is its approach to production. Here you will not find standardized catalogs or mass-produced product lines. Every day is a new creative adventure, with pieces born from the inspiration of the moment and the specific requests of customers. The company has absolutely no serial production: at most, there are pairs of objects of the same type in the world, making each creation practically unique.

The particularity of Componenti Donà also extends to its production chain. Unlike many other glassworks that source from external suppliers, the company produces all its colors in-house. This choice not only guarantees total control over quality and shades but also allows for unique flexibility in creating new tones.

Ingenuity and Sustainability in practice

Componenti Donà‘s approach to sustainability stems from a practical necessity to reduce costs and optimize resources. The company has developed a circular approach to production that minimizes waste and maximizes creativity, starting from the need to reduce the costs of disposing of glass waste.

One of the most innovative aspects is the creative reuse of waste. Instead of considering it as waste, the company sees it as a valuable resource. By mixing waste glass of different colors, they create new and unique shades, literally giving new life to what would otherwise have been discarded. This process not only drastically reduces waste but also opens up endless creative possibilities.

The company also boasts a unique heritage: a vast archive of components and pieces produced over the decades. Instead of leaving them unused, these elements are periodically integrated into new design projects. It is an approach that not only honors the company’s history but also creates pieces with a unique charm, mixing the past with the present.
This production philosophy has also allowed the company to maintain its independence and flexibility, freeing it from the constraints of the traditional market and allowing it to fully express its creativity and ingenuity in the world of Murano glass.

Website: albertodona.com


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