Home Timeless art Crystal: the alchemy of transparent glass

Crystal: the alchemy of transparent glass

Angelo Barovier, active in Murano in the second half of the 15th century, was a master glassmaker of extraordinary talent and vision. His greatest intuition was the creation of crystal, a pure and transparent glass as had never been seen before, which would revolutionize Venetian glassmaking art.
Barovier was obsessed with the idea of creating a perfectly transparent and colorless glass. Through a series of experiments and innovations, such as the use of quartz pebbles instead of sand, he managed to obtain a material of unprecedented purity and brilliance.

The secret of the crystal

The exact recipe of Barovier’s crystal remained a closely guarded secret for a long time.. Only members of the Barovier family and a few trusted collaborators knew the details of its production. This helped maintain Murano’s monopoly on crystal production for many decades. 

The invention had a profound and lasting impact on Venetian glassmaking art. Crystal became the preferred material for the creation of chalices, cups, bottles, and other luxury objects, sought after by courts and nobles throughout Europe. The fame and prestige of Murano as a center of glassmaking excellence reached new heights thanks to this extraordinary innovation.

A Revolutionary Alchemy

Angelo Barovier, with his revolutionary alchemy of transparent glass, left an indelible mark on the history of glassmaking art. Crystal, the fruit of his genius and determination, opened up new frontiers of expression and contributed to making Murano a symbol of artisanal excellence admired throughout the world.


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