Home Masters of glass Simone Cenedese: a life for Murano glass

Simone Cenedese: a life for Murano glass

S imone Cenedese is one of the authentic expressions of Murano art. Born into a family of master glassmakers, he embraced this vocation with dedication and creativity, becoming not only a virtuoso of technique but also an innovator and a point of reference for the entire sector.

The Sommersi, a stylistic signature

A destiny that Simone took into his own hands, exploring every facet of the glassmaking art. Among these, the sommersi have become his stylistic signature: heavy glasses that enclose a light heart, a metaphor for his approach to art and life. A love born thanks to the master Pino Signoretto, with whom Simone collaborated for over 10 years. “I went to him every afternoon, after my shift at the furnace. I stood there watching him work, absorbing every secret of the craft. He was my mentor, the one who passed on to me the passion for sommersi,” he remembers with affection.

The furnace, a second family

But Simone’s true masterpiece is the atmosphere he has managed to create in his furnace. His collaborators are a second family, united by a sense of challenge and love for the craft. He himself is the first to set an example, with his perfectionist nature. “I arrive at the furnace at 5 in the morning. I like to check that everything is in order, ready to start the day in the best way,” he says.

The Christmas Tree, a titanic undertaking

This passion is reflected in every creation, from collaborations with internationally renowned artists and designers to demonstrations for visitors who flock from every corner of the globe. Like when, in 2006, he accepted the challenge of creating a 9-meter-high Christmas tree entirely in glass for his beloved Murano. “It was a titanic undertaking, but we did it. And seeing the joy and amazement in people’s eyes, feeling their affection, was the greatest reward,” he recalls with pride.

Between Inspiration and Experimentation

Simone’s new creations are born in different ways. Sometimes from a sketch, drawn in the early hours of the morning when the mind is fresh and free. Other times, inspiration comes directly from the glass, from an experiment conducted in the furnace, from a dialogue with the material. “I like to let myself be surprised by the glass, to see where it takes me. Often, it is precisely these experiments that give life to the most innovative creations,” he recounts.

Passing on the passion to new generations

But Simone‘s greatest commitment is to the new generations, to whom he wishes to transmit not only techniques but also the very essence of the glassmaking art. “I would like to pass on the love for this craft,” Simone states. “To make young people understand that glass is not just a material, but a language to express oneself and create beauty.”

A bright future for Murano glassmaking art

A language that, for Simone, must continually evolve while remaining anchored in tradition. In his hands, Murano glass becomes a living material, capable of speaking to the present without forgetting its past. With his example of passion and innovation, Simone Cenedese demonstrates that Murano glassmaking art has a bright future. And that its destiny, like that of the island that generated it, is to continue to shine, fueled by the fire of creativity and dedication.

Website: simonecenedese.it


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