Home Masters of glass Afro Celotto: The art of glassmaking as an expression of the soul

Afro Celotto: The art of glassmaking as an expression of the soul

Born in 1963, Afro Celotto was born in Venice, more precisely on the island of Burano. He began his journey in the world of glass at a very young age, at just 14 years old, becoming one of the most fascinating and complex figures in contemporary Murano glass art.

We had the privilege of meeting Afro at the Fornace Zanetti Murano, where his mastery blends with the historical tradition of the furnace. Here, Afro collaborates exclusively with his partner and friend Alberto Livotto, with whom he co-founded A.F.R.O., an independent brand that represents their unique artistic vision.

This strategic partnership between A.F.R.O. and Fornace Zanetti Murano creates an extraordinary synergy: on one hand, Afro and Alberto have access to the resources and expertise of one of Murano’s most prestigious furnaces; on the other, they maintain their distinctive creative identity through the A.F.R.O. brand. This collaboration allows them to push the boundaries of innovation in glassmaking while remaining firmly anchored to the Murano tradition.

After observing Afro at work, we were welcomed into the furnace’s kitchen, where the master himself had prepared lunch for everyone. It is in this informal and familiar context that Afro opened up, telling us his story of ups and downs, of suffering and rebirth.

A journey of growth between highs and lows

Afro’s journey in the world of glass begins in an environment that he himself describes as harsh and often unrewarding:“I suffered a lot because the masters’ demands were different from those of now. […] Before, you were just a number and that’s it.”This initial harshness forged Afro’s character, but it also led him to face extremely difficult periods that tested him both professionally and personally.
Despite the successes and recognitions obtained, including years of teaching the art of glass in America, Afro went through dark moments that pushed him to seek a new direction in his life and in his art.

The search for inner peace

The turning point in Afro’s life came through a journey of personal growth that led him to explore new dimensions, both geographical and spiritual. A particularly significant trip took him to France, to a monastery, an experience that contributed to profoundly changing his perspective on life and art.

This inner journey led Afro to a new awareness and serenity: “ I have overcome my demons, in short. ” Today, the master glassmaker lives in a dimension of inner peace which is reflected in his approach to work and life, returning to being what he always wanted to be.

Art as an expression of the soul

Today, Afro lives his work with total passion and dedication. When asked what interests him most today, he responds without hesitation:“Working.”His art has become an extension of his being, a way to express his vision of the world and his inner richness.

I’m never fully satisfied with what I doAfro confesses, revealing a perfectionism that drives him to continually surpass himself. He doesn’t know if it’s a flaw, but he always feels the need to do, to create, to improve. This tireless pursuit of perfection translates into an inexhaustible creativity, to the point that even when he’s in front of the TV in the evening, his mind continues to work, searching for new ideas and insights.

The future of Afro’s art

Afro Celotto is now in what many consider the golden age for a glass master. As his partner Alberto recalls, “a glass master creates his best things between 60 and 70 years old”. . With his newfound serenity and his inexhaustible creativity, Afro is ready to give the world his most extraordinary creations.

I am free“, Afro states with conviction, emphasizing how this inner freedom is the key to his artistic expression. This freedom, the result of a long journey of personal growth, now allows him to fully express his artistic talent.

The story of Afro Celotto is a powerful example of how the art of glassmaking can be a vehicle for personal growth and expression of the soul.. His works are not only objects of extraordinary beauty, but true mirrors of the soul of an artist who has been able to find in his art not just a craft, but a reason for living and a means to achieve inner peace.

Together with his sparring partner and friend Alberto Livotto, Afro has embarked on a new artistic life, experimenting with new techniques and renewing old ones. ” Thus, a new Afro was born, a renewed artist, a changed man, who has been able to find a new life where the passion for his work is now an integral part of his DNA.


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